Casino Fun Facts

Beaches attract tourists like magnets.

Families, honeymooners, beach bums and thrill-seekers alike flock the ocean’s shore to enjoy a wide-range of activities like sunbathing, surfing, beach volleyball and more.

Since the casino was built to help the country, and the area itself, earn money, allowing locals to gamble in the casino kind-of defeated that purpose. Hence the law that was passed stating this rule and only allowing foreigners as well as visitors to the area access to the casinos here. Casino Facts The first casino in Las Vegas was licensed in 1931. The largest and most profitable casino is Las Vegas is the Wynn. The current number of licensed gambling places in Las Vegas 1,701. There are close to 200,000 slot machines in Las Vegas The average visitor's gambling budget is $541 per.

But, as it turns out, there’s a lot most people don’t know about their favorite vacation destination. For example — did you know that the beach used to be a treatment prescribed by doctors? Mind blowing, right?

So, in honor of the beach (aka Heaven on Earth) I’ve gathered a list of the most interesting and mind-blowing beach facts that you may want to read before heading to the shore.

You’re welcome.

15 Facts About the Beach That’ll Make You Say, “Whoa”:

1. Beaches became popular as tourist attractions during the 18th century.

2. The tallest sandcastle ever made was 37 feet, 10 inches tall.

It was constructed in Connecticut, in May of 2011.

3. The blue whale’s heart is the size of a Volkswagen Bug.

4. Sandy beaches are mostly made of silica (SiO2) in the form of the mineral quartz.

5. The longest beach in the world is arguably Casino Beach in Rio Grande, Brazil.

It’s approximately 132 miles long.

6. The ocean covers 71% of the earth’s surface.

7. Beaches come in all different colors, including white, grey, gold, brown, red and black.

8. The beach became a popular destination during Britain’s Industrial Revolution, mostly because doctors were prescribing it.

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From the late 18th century to the early 19th century, doctors believed beach waves could help treat black bile build up in people’s spleens — which they later found out isn’t a thing.

9. Surfing was invented in Hawaii.

Las Vegas Casino Fun Facts

10. Technically there aren’t actually any birds called “seagulls”.

It is just a casual way of referencing any birds in the gull family.

11. Around 90 percent of all volcanic activity occurs in the world’s oceans.

12. The proportion of people that go to the beach that can’t swim is roughly one out of three.

13. A white cotton shirt is equivalent to SPF seven.

14. A shrimp’s heart is located in its head.

15. Many scientists believe that beaches are only a temporary phenomenon caused by the changes in sea levels after the last Ice Age.

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Mind blown? Same.